New design for the under the hood blog

Finally under the hood, our beloved Meltwater engineering blog, got a new design.

We have been running this blog since January 2013 now, and here we talk about technologies that we use in our daily work, we introduce new team members, and post job offers. Blogging has been a great way for us to learn and share new things with a broader community of developers.

While this was all good, we just could not live with the old blog design anymore (see below). Therefore Tristan and Alex, our UX designers and UI developers in Berlin, came up with this new design.

Designing Meerkat

Backend engineer Yury Smolsky explains how he built Meerkat. Meerkat is an alerting software, developed by Meltwater, that integrates tightly with Graphite.

Developer Spotlight: Hans-Gunther Schmidt (Hans)

Hallo! Hello! Merhaba! I am Hans, happily married to a beautiful Turkish wife, and live in Berlin since 2002. Born in Singapore as half German, half Filipino, I have since then travelled through various countries over the years until I ended up where I am right now: Berlin! And since the very first weekend I came to this city I have fallen in love: open-minded people, come-as-you-are, multi-cultural, a vibrant electronic music scene, a wide variety of recreational/green areas, cheap & great food!

meltwhatever Innovation Day at Meltwater

In July 2014, Meltwater decided to hold its first ever Innovation Day, called meltwhatever day!

The goal of the Innovation Day was to take some time and let our engineers focus their energy on something of their own choosing – something that they were passionate and excited about, that was important or meaningful, and where they felt they could make an impact for themselves, their team, Meltwater, or in some cases, just take a little time to experiment with something new.