New Hampshire Volunteer Day #1

A sea of yellow shirts made its way around Manchester as the New Hampshire Meltwater office volunteered for a day with a local organization, Families in Transition. When the volunteer committee first started planning this day, we never imagined how smoothly it would go, or how much fun we’d have! Impacting our local community, strengthening team bonds, and having fun! All in a day’s work.

In this post we are sharing how this event unfolded, and what your office or team can do to organize a volunteering day of your own.

And the Best Halloween Costume goes to ...

Halloween approaches each year as a surprise, at least to some of us. Especially as Meltwater has offices in 55 locations across the world, keeping track of the regional customs for a given occasion can be tricky (see Geography of Halloween for example). Hence we are fortunate to have local culture ambassadors that keep their national customs alive and show us how it is done.

So without further ado, this year the prize for the best Halloween costume goes to Agile Coach Jeff from our Raleigh office. Make sure you read the tasks on the Kanban board to get the full story! We love it Jeff!

The Full Stack Fest Experience 2019

In September I traveled to the small town of Sitges outside of Barcelona to learn more about the future of technology. Full Stack Fest is a yearly, single track conference touching on a broad range of tech topics (frontend, backend, testing, new languages, etc). I was there to absorb some of the knowledge and inspiration from the curated list of speakers. In this post I will go over my favorite talks.