Joan Freed and Gene Connolly from our Manchester office were invited to the Arrested DevOps podcast with Jessica Kerr to discuss the DevOps transformation at Meltwater.
In this podcast they are sharing where the transformation towards more autonomous teams with full end-to-end responsibility started in 2017, what we learned over the years and what’s next for us.
On the podcast they discussed several topics including:
- The background of the transformation towards greater team autonomy and a DevOps mindset
- Ownership challenges: How to change teams and change ownership of projects
- We discussed Meltwater’s internal unconference (called Devopsicon) as well as how we organize this unconference.
Originally we met Jessica (@jessitron) when she gave the keynote at said internal unconference in Manchester, NH. She introduced us to the concept of symmathesy and the Origins of Opera and the Future of Programming.
We are glad to have met Jessica and it was a great opportunity for us to share more about our journey towards more happy and productive software development teams on the Arrested DevOps podcast.